Marc De Wilde
Academic Background
Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) - License in Applied Economics.
University of Chicago (USA) - Master of Business Administration.
Solvay Business School (ULB - Belgium) - IADE.
Professional Background
1979: Various business positions in the petrochemical industry (Exxon Chemical Belgium marketing, business analysis, sales).
1983: Start of own company in the IT sector (PC training to large accounts (BASF, the General Bank, Exxon Chemical and Siemens).
1989: Launch of a software development activity specialized in custom database applications for large accounts (Ciba-Geigy, Exxon Chemical, Legrand, Mercedes-Benz, Novartis, Roche, Siemens, Total, UCB and Volkswagen).
1994: In parallel to my work, launch of a non-profit organisation of which mission is the reinsertion of delinquents through social and humanitarian actions in Belgium and Romania. This organisation is still active today.
1995: Launch of an activity specialized in the development and sales of a secure extranet-based data exchange system to multinational companies (Delhaize, Daimler-Chrysler, Interbrew, Legrand, Manpower, Solvus, UCB) and professional associations (Agoria, the Belgian Association of Banks, the Belgian Pharmaceutical Association, FEDIS, Eurelectric, the European Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, the Liberal Party to the European Parliament, etc.). This activity is successfully sold in 1999 to a Belgian software company listed on the First Stock Exchange Market of Brussels. In charge of management till 2001.
1999: First stay in the desert. This encounter will change my life.
2002: Sabbatical year during which a 3½ months walk from Brussels to Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
2003: Launch of an executive coaching practice aimed at executives and executive teams in Belgium and in Europe. Specialisation in systemic coaching of organisations.
2018: Official launch of a supervision practice primarily aimed at executive coaches in Belgium and in France.
Areas of Expertise
Supervision of seasoned and junior coaches
Systemic coaching of organisations
Executive team coaching
One-on-one executive coaching
Sustaining coaching
I rely upon a wide range of concepts and tools primarily based on the systemic approach of organisations (Palo Alto) and to a lesser extent on transactional analysis (E. Berne).
Organisation development: Method based on the "Giroscope" developed by the "Groupe d'Intervention et de Recherche sur l'Organisation des Systèmes" (Brussels) and research works by W. Bennis, M. Crozier, E. Berne, P. Morin and P. Senge on organisations' structure and dynamics.
Change management in organisations: Process based on various approaches developed by J. Kotter, W. Bridges, P. Senge and the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto.
Leadership: Models and techniques developed from research work done by K. Blanchard, J. Collins, K. de Vries, P. Drucker, D. Lynch, T. Peters and J. Welch.
Leader's dashboard: inspired from E. Fox's framework on E. Berne's Theory of Organisations (described in The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups).
Vision: Methodology primarily based on various approaches developed by M. Doyle, V. Lenhardt, Kaplan & Norton's Balanced Scorecard, McKinseys "7S" and the Boston Consulting Group.
People and teams empowerment: Techniques based on W. Schutz's work strengthened by practical applications proposed by A. Cardon, P. Cauvin, A. Duluc and V. Lenhardt.
Delegation: P. Ware's communication entries, A. Cardon's delegated processes, K. Blanchard's « One-Minute Manager » model.
Interpersonal skills: Interactional and strategic approach developed by the Mental Research Institute of Palo Alto, E. Berne's Transactional Analysis, T. Kahler's ProcessCom, C. Rogers' Active listening, and M. Rosenberg's Non Violent Communication.
People management: N.K. Symor's Cycle of dependency, P. Hersey & K. Blanchard's situational leadership, General Electric's appraisal grid, Johari window.
Levels of Intervention
- Strategical skills: I primarily rely upon the systemic approach and particularly the Giroscope developed by the "Groupe d'Intervention et de Recherche sur l'Organisation des Systèmes" (Brussels). I also use E. Berne's organisational theory for it provides a remarkably complete and well articulated dashboard that includes all key aspects a leader must manage: environment, vision, strategy, activity and group processes, organisational and individual structures, socio-psychological aspects of groups, cultural aspects, styles and levels of leadership, group apparatus, functioning and amending rules, etc.
- Management skills: Levels of management, regulation, functioning rules, meeting conduct, delegation, time structuration, leadership, feedback, border management, etc.
- Interpersonal skills: Reference frames, communication channels, psychological and power games, symbiotic relationships, contaminations, simple and double transactions, parallel and crossed transactions, etc.
- Personal skills: Types of personality, psychological needs, ego states, life positions, "driver" behaviours, stress sequences, alignment process, mourning process, modelling, etc.
International Mozaïk (Paris) ICF accredited coaching school - Introduction to Coaching (training) and Individual Coaching (training)
CFIP (Brussels) - Transactional Analysis (training).
Managis (Lille) - Process Communication (training).
Coaching de Gestion, Inc (Quebec, Canada) Coaching corporate managers (workshop).
ALEC Coaching (Paris) - 360° Feedback (training).
CFIP (Brussels) - Organisation Systemic (training).
Essor Coaching (Brussels) / Transformance (Paris) : Coaching & Team Building (training).
Nicolas Schilfarth - Defining and setting up a corporate vision (series of workshops).
Groupe d'Intervention et de Recherche sur l'Organisation des Systèmes - G.I.R.O.S. (Bruxelles) - Systemic approach of organisations (training).
Eric Lardinois (Charleroi) and Mark Raison (Barcelona) - Corporate Innovation Management (training).
Institut Gregory Bateson (Liège) - Interactional and strategic approach of the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto (training).
Méta-système (Paris) - Delegated processes for developing teams and organisations (workshop).
Ongoing one-on-one supervision by Marcel Gemme - ICF MCC (Canada).
International Coach Federation until December 2023
International Coach Federation Belgium until December 2023
European Mentoring & Coaching Council until December 2021
European Mentoring & Coaching Council Belgium until December 2021
Systèmes & Organisations (S&O) until December 2021
Master Certified Coach (International Coach Federation) until December 2023
Certified C&T+ Coach (Essor School - Vincent Lenhardt)
Expert in Systemic Approach of Organizations (Groupe d'Intervention et de Recherche dans l'Organisation des Systèmes - G.I.R.O.S.)
French, English
See also:
For further information:
Marc De Wilde
Executive Coaching & Corporate Counsel
Avenue des Croix du Feu 25
B-1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Tel/Fax: +32 (0)2 332.32.11
Mobile: +32 (0)473 94.21.47
E-mail: marc.dewilde@mdwservices.com